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Highly experienced in employment, property and trusts law, Amy appears in courts and tribunals and the High Court, as well as at appellate level in the Employment Appeal Tribunal and Court of Appeal.  She advises and acts for the full spectrum of claimants and respondents/defendants.  Her clients range from individuals to local authorities, local government bodies, private companies, charities, a wide variety of educational bodies, police constabularies as well as national chains and statutory corporations.

Amy is an adjudicator for airline disputes involving claims for the delay and cancellation of flights, discrimination of persons of restricted mobility, denial of boarding,  lost luggage and other financial claims governed by Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, the Montreal Convention 1999 and Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006.

Amy gives in-house talks and seminars on a breadth of topics and is a trained mediator.  She is a member of the Gibraltar Bar.

Employment Law

Amy acts for and advises a wide spectrum of employers and employees, from individuals and small family-run businesses to multi-nationals, local authorities, police constabularies and charities.   She appears regularly in the employment tribunals, as well as the civil courts, and conducts appellate work in the higher courts and tribunals.

She has experience across the range of employment matters, from simple wage and unfair dismissal disputes to complex discrimination and TUPE matters.

As well as appearing for clients, Amy provides advice and drafting work and represents clients in both private and judicial mediations.  She is also a trained mediator in her own right.

Amy has advised and acted in employment proceedings in other jurisdictions including Northern Ireland and Gibraltar.  She has been called to the Gibraltar Bar.

Amy offers in-house training, seminars, talks and workshops.  She also does work for ELAAS.

Recent Cases

  • Amy successfully represented a law firm in claims of religion and race discrimination and harassment which led to a nine-day trial as well as an appeal and involved numerous disclosure applications by the claimant.  The claims were dismissed in their entirety and the appeal was dismissed at a rule 3(10) hearing.
  • In 2022 Amy successfully represented a sales director allegedly dismissed for whistle-blowing and breach of contract. Over three separate preliminary hearings, totalling five days, she resisted attempts by his former employer to strike out his claims as well as successfully opposing its arguments for hearing the proceedings in private under rule 50 and succeeding in his application to amend his claim.
  • Also in 2022 Amy represented 44 bus drivers claiming for unpaid salary in a wrongly implemented furlough scheme.  The tribunal found that there was no local agreement for the modification of their pay.  Amy continues to advise on the implications for remedy proceedings.
  • Caterham School Ltd v Rose UKEAT/0149/19: Amy represented the claimant in a cross-appeal concerning the neglect of her harassment claim at first instance.  The matter before the EAT centred on the balance of prejudice test in a late appeal as well as whether a tribunal can find a continuing act to be in time despite hearing no evidence at a preliminary hearing.
  • Dr Tarn v Dr Hughes & Others UKEAT/0064/18: Amy acted for the respondent general practice in an appeal on the important principle of how far a tribunal can exert its case management powers and whether robust handling of multiple claims erodes natural justice.

Wills & Probate

Amy advises on testamentary disputes, including lack of testator capacity, undue influence and knowledge and approval.  She also advises, drafts and acts for clients in matters of constructive trusts, TOLATA proceedings, devastavit claims, co-ownership disputes as well as wide-ranging cases under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.  She has also advised on CPR Part 64 proceedings against executors.

Property Law

Amy advises and represents claimants and defendants ranging from private individuals to companies and local authorities.  She has extensive experience across the range of property work, including mortgage disputes, boundary and easement matters, nuisance and right to light claims, forfeiture, breach of covenant, disrepair, TOLATA proceedings, residential possessions, service charges, unlawful eviction, tree cases, lease extension and enfranchisement proceedings.

She appears in the First-Tier Tribunal, county courts and High Court.  She has advised on a range of property disputes in Gibraltar and appeared in the courts there.

Recent cases

  • Throughout 2021 and 2022 Amy has been advising and acting for the owner of an animal sanctuary in a protracted and factually complex boundary dispute, involving numerous allegations of harassment and trespass.  The case has required detailed survey evidence covering the division of the properties over numerous decades.
  • In 2022 and 2023 Amy advised and represented a local authority in successfully regaining possession of a property, relying on the mandatory ground in s.84A of the Housing Act 1985 after the tenant was convicted and given a custodial sentence for committing rape in the property, although the original claim for possession had been on the basis of rent arrears only.
  • Also in 2022 Amy advised on a high-value service charges dispute where the managing agent had been accused of neglecting its obligations and which concerned a lengthy and complicated history of problems between absent leaseholders, tenants and agents during the pandemic.
  • Amy recently advised on a dispute over inherited farmland and the prospects of the client obtaining a partition of the land, through TOLATA proceedings, as against a prospective application for sale of the whole plot to a developer brought by her joint sibling beneficiaries.

Court of Protection

Amy has a busy Court of Protection practice, advising mainly in relation to property and affairs, including applications by the Office of the Public Guardian, issues surrounding Lasting Powers of Attorney, applications for the appointment of deputies and other property and affairs matters.

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