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Whistleblowing Protection

Our Whistleblowing Protection Team

Those individuals who make “Public Interest Disclosures” (or whistleblowers) perform an essential role by having the courage to speak out about misconduct, corruption and fraud.

Whistleblowing cases are often at a junction of employment law, criminal law and public policy and frequently involve a greater degree of investigation and scrutiny than other claims.

As an employee, you may not even be aware that you have “whistleblown”; you may have thought that you were raising a legitimate concern with your employer. This can come at significant personal risk; the risk of retaliation against you, leading to unexplained career detriments and the consequential financial losses.

Employers faced with an allegation of such detriment, the consequences can be significant, both financially and reputational.

Encouraging whistle-blowing helps protect society from the dangers of corruption and misconduct. If you have been retaliated against as a result of whistle-blowing, let us come to your aid.

Members of the team have appeared for both employees and major employers, private and public.




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Stefan Liberadzki represents Employment Tribunal claimant who successfully establishes “employee” status for claim under the Equality Act

Stefan Liberadzki represents Employment Tribunal claimant who successfully establishes “employee” status for claim under the Equality Act

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