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Ranked in Chambers & Partners 2019

Ranked in Chambers & Partners 2019

Family: Children Band 4

Notable family law chambers with a particular strength in public law proceedings involving children. Members regularly act in matters of the utmost severity, handling cases often involving child fatalities and non-accidental injuries, as well as matters involving complex medical evidence and complicated genetic disorders. The set also fields expertise in private law cases, including international abductions, as well as matrimonial finance matters such as TOLATA cases. 42BR Barristers further offers a strong mediation practice, and has a number of in-house arbitrators.

Client service

Industry clients praise the clerking team, with one noting: “The clerks are approachable, friendly and helpful. They’ll try and assist as much as they can when it comes to sorting out counsel.” Steve Sheridan is the senior practice manager.



Tina Cook QC –  Well-regarded children practitioner who is known for her expertise in public law care work. Her practice consists of cases involving sensitive issues relating to deceased children, sexual abuse and vulnerable parents. She is particularly good at cases involving children with learning disabilities, and is at home dealing with cases involving complex genetic disorders. Cook represents local authorities, children and parents.  “Tina is a hard worker, who knows her papers well and fights her client’s corner.” – Family: Children – London (Bar) Band 2


Gemma Taylor QC –  Renowned for her handling of serious public law cases relating to severe injury, abuse and adoption. She exhibits strength representing local authorities in matters with complex medical evidence. She has experience in cases that overlap with Human Rights Act claims. “She’s calm and collected in court, and an excellent advocate.” “Clear-thinking, hard-working, good with clients and someone who doesn’t pull any punches.” – Family: Children – London (Bar) New Silks


Jonathan Bennett – Acts on behalf of all parties in care proceedings and specialises in non-accidental injury cases with complex forensic evidence. He’s also proficient in private and public law cases involving matters of serious abuse. “Jonathan has a deep knowledge of the law and is very personable.” “His cross-examination is excellent, and he isn’t afraid to fight a case when necessary.” –Family: Children – London (Bar) Band 2 


Philip McCormack –  Public law specialist with experience in civil and criminal proceedings. He mainly represents children in complex proceedings across a range of matters including infant death, head injury and abuse. He represents all parties to proceedings, including children. “Philip is prepared to listen, approachable, calm and kind. He’s unflappable.” – Family: Children – London (Bar) Band 3


Katie Phillips – Exhibits expertise in family cases concerning vulnerable children and adults in complex care proceedings. She acts for all parties and specialises in non-accidental injury matters. “Her style of advocacy is excellent; she’s clear and persuasive.” “Katie is a huge support to lay client and professional client alike.” – Family: Children – London (Bar) Band 3


Damian Woodward-Carlton – An experienced children barrister who focuses on sensitive international public proceedings, representing all parties. His caseload typically involves cases concerning complex issues surrounding allegations of non-accidental injury, abuse and, more recently, radicalisation as well as cross-cultural issues. “A committed and impressive barrister, who has a great way of dealing with clients. His cross-examination is tactful, artful and very balanced.” – Family: Children – London (Bar) Band 3

Family/Matrimonial – South Eastern (Bar)


Gemma Farrington of 42BR Barristers Specialises in complex care proceedings, usually acting on behalf of parents but sometimes representing children. She is also well versed in private law cases, and has significant experience in taking cases to the Court of Appeal. “She has an amazing eye for detail and is extremely well respected. Her understanding of the medical evidence is second to none.” “She is very hard-working.” – Family/Matrimonial – South Eastern (Bar) Band 2


Jeremy Hall –  An exclusively family law practitioner with over 20 years’ experience, Jeremy Hall has a highly regarded practice in public law children cases and financial remedy work. The majority of his instructions are on behalf of parents but he also represents local authorities and children, often in serious cases of alleged abuse. “A very good advocate.” – Family/Matrimonial – South Eastern (Bar) Band 2

Inquests & Public Inquiries – All Circuits


Scott Matthewson – Focuses predominantly on representing private contractors in inquests arising from deaths in prisons. He is also adept at inquest proceedings which involve clinical negligence. “He’s a good advocate who takes a very collaborative approach.”
Recent work: Appeared in the inquest into the death of Roy Hoey, a 20-year-old prisoner who died at HMP Altcourse in Liverpool. The main issue of the case was whether ‘suicide watch’ procedures should have been put into place and whether they would have made any difference. – Inquests & Public Inquiries – All Circuits Band 3

Personal Injury – London (Bar)


Richard Furniss – Recognised for his abilities in catastrophic injury and costs litigation on behalf of claimant clients. He has deep knowledge of the Fatal Accidents Act and vast experience in industrial disease cases, lower limb amputations and complex spinal injuries claims. Sources further note his ability to assist in cases involving psychiatric and chronic pain injuries. “He’s pragmatic, practical, costs-aware and very approachable.”
Recent work: Acted for a claimant who was injured when hit by a car while crossing a bridge. He was knocked into a canal and suffered catastrophic injuries including paraplegia and amputation. – Personal Injury – London (Bar) Band 3


Scott Matthewson – Receives instructions in high-value fatal accident and catastrophic injury cases for an even split of defendant and claimant solicitors. He has experience in high-profile public liability litigation, often involving the armed forces or the police, and in complex RTAs, with specific expertise in motorcycle accidents. He is well regarded for his ability to establish liability and assess quantum.”He is able to chair conferences with clients and experts in such a way that the experts are in no doubt as to his technical expertise, and the clients feel included and able to understand the issues being discussed.” “He demonstrates great in-depth knowledge and understanding of cases.”
Recent work: Acted for the defendant in a case involving a claimant who attempted suicide by hanging while in the defendant’s custody. He was rescued before he died but had been left with permanent and severe brain damage. – Personal Injury – London (Bar) Band 2


Richard Gregory – Recognised for his abilities in catastrophic injury and costs litigation on behalf of claimant clients. He has deep knowledge of the Fatal Accidents Act and vast experience in industrial disease cases, lower limb amputations and complex spinal injuries claims. Interviewees further recommend him for his grasp of difficult liability cases. He is also recognised for his adroit handling of claims arising from RTAs. “He is personable, approachable and will always go the extra mile for his clients.” “Faultless in his preparation and thoroughness, he is quietly confident and effective in court.”
Recent work: Acted for a motorcycle pillion passenger involved in an RTA. – Personal Injury – London (Bar) Band 2

Clinical Negligence – London (Bar)


Richard Furniss – Widely known for his extensive experience acting on behalf of both claimants and defendants. He routinely handles cases concerning cerebral palsy, as well as a range of catastrophic injury claims. He is also renowned for his personal injury advocacy. “Prompt, thorough and concise. He always gives sound advice and instills confidence in clients and lawyers alike.” “Very pragmatic.” – Clinical Negligence – London (Bar) Band 1


Scott Matthewson – Head of the firm’s clinical negligence and personal injury department, and no stranger to handling clinical negligence cases of the greatest value and complexity. He acts for both claimants and defendants. “Brilliant. He’s got that human edge. He’s really personable with clients.” “He really knows what he’s talking about.”
Recent work: Acted for the defendant in a case involving a claimant who had successful IVF treatment but suffered a cord prolapse and gave birth to premature twins who both died five days later. – Clinical Negligence – London (Bar) Band 3

Employment – London (Bar)


Iris Ferber – Knowledgeable employment law barrister who specialises in disability discrimination claims. She acts for both employers and employees in the public and private sectors. “Articulate, thorough and decisive.” “Clear and concise in her advice and good with clients.” – Employment – London (Bar) Band 5


Tim Adkin – Has a solid employment practice, adeptly handling complex whistle-blowing and discrimination matters. He is known for acting for respondents but represents claimants with increasing frequency. “A very client-friendly barrister who is extremely easy to work with.” “His written opinions are always extremely helpful and well researched. He has an exceptional track record at the Employment Tribunal.” – Employment – London (Bar) Band 5


Orlando Holloway – Represents employees and employers from the transport, education, retail and financial services sectors across all aspects of employment law. He has attained impressive experience at tribunal and appellate level. “Very personable, well prepared and responsive.” “Very client-friendly.” – Employment – London (Bar) Band 5


Jude Shepherd – Highly knowledgeable in all aspects of employment law, with a particular focus on discrimination cases. She has extensive experience at tribunal and appellate level. “She is always well prepared and provides sound commercial advice.” “Sheer quality through and through. She always goes the extra mile.” – Employment – London (Bar) Band 3

Social Housing – London (Bar)


Desmond Kilcoyne – An established junior barrister with considerable expertise in property law, Kilcoyne focuses his practice on representing local authorities in social housing matters. He is especially commended for his strengths in homelessness appeals and leasehold disputes. “Has very good technical skills, displays excellent judgement and is someone who understands housing and local government law.” – Social Housing – London (Bar) Band 4


Iris Ferber – An accomplished junior who is well versed in acting for both landlords and tenants on a range of housing matters. She is particularly known for her ability to work with clients with mental health issues who are involved in homelessness appeals. “Has a way of getting results in such a simple way. She weighs things up incredibly quickly and delivers the best remedy.”
Recent work: Acted for the local authority in Ward v Hillingdon LBC, a homelessness appeal which centred on the definition of ‘vulnerable’ in the test of determining priority need in allocation decisions. – Social Housing – London (Bar)Band 4

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8th Nov 2018

Tina Cook KC

Call 1988 | Silk 2011

Tina Cook KC

Gemma Farrington KC

Call 1994 | Silk 2022

Gemma Farrington KC

Damian Woodward-Carlton KC

Call 1995 | Silk 2019

Damian Woodward-Carlton KC

Iris Ferber KC

Call 2005 | Silk 2023

Iris Ferber KC

Jonathan Bennett

Call 1985

Jonathan Bennett

Jeremy Hall

Call 1988

Jeremy Hall

Desmond Kilcoyne

Call 1990

Desmond Kilcoyne

Richard Furniss

Call 1991

Richard Furniss

Jude Shepherd

Call 1996

Jude Shepherd

Katie Phillips

Call 2002

Katie Phillips

Orlando Holloway

Call 2004

Orlando Holloway

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