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Specialist in

  • Children Private
  • Children Public
  • Court of Protection

Monica is a specialist family practitioner with extensive experience in public law children cases and regularly instructed in public law care proceedings involving non-accidental injury, infant death, fabricated illness, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, Special Guardianship and adoption. Monica represents local authorities, guardians, parents, extended family members, and competent children at all levels of court.

Areas of Expertise

Related News

Chambers is delighted to announce that Monica Ford and Edward Lloyd-Jones, both formerly of Fourteen, have joined our family team.

Chambers is delighted to announce that Monica Ford and Edward Lloyd-Jones, both formerly of Fourteen, have joined our family team.

Monica is a specialist family practitioner with extensive experience in public law children cases and regularly instructed in public law care proceedings involving non-accidental injury, infant death, fabricated illness, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, Special Guardianship and adoption. Edward was called to the bar in 2012 having previously had a successful career as a solicitor. He

Published: 8th Aug 2016

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