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Sajjad has a business and property law practice, with a particular emphasis on Chancery work. His practice comprises a healthy split between pleading/advisory work and Court work. He is noted for his “fluid, adaptable and comprehensive witness handling skills” and for “providing an excellent service of competence and efficiency”. Having formerly practised as a solicitor at a city law firm, Sajjad is well able to understand the needs of professional clients and the commercial realities of litigation. This can be particularly useful in terms of advising on case preparation and development of a case theory at an early stage.

Sajjad establishes close working relationships with the solicitors who instruct him, and is noted for his ability to relate to clients’ commercial imperatives and to identify the main issues of a case very quickly. His clients appreciate the pragmatic and realistic approach that he brings to each case.
Sajjad was appointed Deputy District Judge in March 2019.

Business Law

Sajjad acts in a wide range of commercial disputes, whether litigated in the High Court or County Court, or otherwise dealt with through mediation or at round table meetings. He is equally good at dealing with clients who want to have their day in court and those who wish to reach an out of court settlement for commercial reasons.

Sajjad represents clients in claims ranging from construction, supply of goods and services and agency to professional negligence and general commercial contractual disputes. He also has experience of claims involving the marshalling of securities; partnership disputes and fraud. He is especially adept at dealing with technical disputes which require a particular attention to detail and forensic analysis.

Property Law

Sajjad has extensive experience of acting in property related matters, with a particular specialism in claims brought by co-owners under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (whether they be co-habiting partners, business partners or family investors). He has acted in both sole name and joint names cases and further in parent/child disputes involving allegations of undue influence, duress and/or gift.  Sajjad also has extensive experience of commercial disputes with a property element, such as partnership disputes and disputes arising  from joint venture agreements. By way of example, Sajjad has acted in a claim for professional negligence following rescission of a contract for sale of property; a claim for rectification of the land register founded on allegations of fraud and a claim relating to properties purchased pursuant to a joint venture.

Sajjad acts in commercial property disputes for both landlords and tenants, in claims primarily brought under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and service charge disputes.

Direct Access

Sajjad is authorised to accept instructions direct from members of the public. He encourages clients who are considering this route to contact Chambers and discuss their problem.

In suitable cases, Sajjad can provide client conferences, written advices and representation at court. Sajjad accepts public access work across Chambers’ areas of expertise.

Areas of Expertise

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